Microsoft Word Fonts List

What are the font styles available in MS Word 2007? The default fonts styles in Office (2007 or otherwise) are. regular. italic. bold. and bold plus italic But That may not be what you are asking.

Microsoft Word Fonts List

Word allows you to use the fonts that are installed on the system you are using. Fonts are installed within Windows, so that they are available not just to Word, but to all programs installed on your system.

When you are creating a document on your system, it is easy to know what fonts are being used—the list of fonts is limited to those available on the system. If you receive a document from a different person, however, the other person's system may have different fonts installed than you do. This means that their Word document could be formatted with fonts you don't even have on your system.

If you want to generate a list of fonts used within a document (as opposed to a list of fonts available on a system), you have a couple of choices. First of all, you can open the Word document in a text editor and look around in the parts of the document you don't normally see in Word. Near the end of the file you should see a list of fonts used in the document. If you do this, however, you should be very careful to not make any changes to the Word document while it is open in your text editor. Doing so can easily make the document no longer usable in Word.

A Word-based solution is to simply look through each character in a document and check out what font is used to format the character. A character-by-character approach is necessary because each character could be formatted with a different font, and VBA doesn't allow you to access a fonts collection in relation to the document itself—it seems that no such collection is maintained. Thus, the safest (and slowest) method is to simply step through each character and create your own list. The following VBA macro accomplishes the task:

Microsoft Word Script Fonts List

Obviously, the longer your document, the longer it will take the macro to finish. (I ran the macro on an 1,100 page document and it took approximately 46 minutes. On a five-page document it took less than a minute.) When done, the macro creates a new document that contains a sorted list of the fonts used.

Default Microsoft Word Fonts List

The above macro only steps through the main document. It is possible that there are other, different fonts used in other elements in your document. If you want those included in the list, then you need to use a variation on the macro that takes these other elements into account. The following macro (ListFontsInDoc2) is much longer, and the listing also includes three other macros that are called from within the main macro.