How To Raise A Genius Book Download

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If you are wondering how to raise a genius, all you need is love, time and devotion to your child. Many parents think they need to be smart, but that isn’t necessary. Your child just needs your attention.

Genetic Studies of Genius 3,4. Beginning in 1921, Terman selected teen - age subjects on the basis of high IQ scores, then tracked and encouraged their careers. But to Terman’s chagrin, his cohort produced only a few esteemed scientists. Among those rejected because their IQ of 129 was.

During the first decade of your child's life, he will learn a lot of things that he could ever do since his brain forms trillions of connections. Every time your child experiences something new, the brain makes another connection. And those connections help your child learn better in other areas. For instance, music lessons may help their math skills. Therefore, what can you do to help your childreach his or her highest potential? Let’s find out.

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Here are some ways that you can try to boost your child’s intelligence as early as possible:

1. Talk with Techniques

Ask your child open questions instead of yes-no questions; this can help children think about what they know. Feedback and let your child know that you value their opinion. Also, when talking to your child, try not to use “baby talk”butwords you are comfortable with. This will help improve their vocabulary and understanding of language. They may not get the meaning at the start, but they will figure it out after being exposed to the expression several times later.

2. Read to Your Child

Reading to your child helps their brain make connections with the surroundings and gives them lots of information about the world and life. It is a known fact that reading to your child early on can make them smarter and learning easier. Experts believe reading is the foundation of all knowledge. Also, you can try to make a routine of sharing what you both read, and the child will benefit from this conversation both in thinking and expressing.

3. Praise Them Properly

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Over-praising your kids when they do something rightwill make them think too highly of themselves. That creates a stressed out kid. Instead, give positive praise even when your child brings home a not so goodtest paper. Say things like“You’ve almost got it right.” Encouragement, neither too positive nor too negative, is very helpful in the long run.

4. Encourage Curiosity

How To Raise A Genius Book Download

You may have noticed when your child was toddler or preschool age, they wanted to know about everything around them. Once they reach school age, that curiosity tends to decline. Do things with your child to re-spark this curiosity but in older kid style. Take them to art galleries, musical shows, museums and libraries where they can discover new things that may be interesting to both you and them.

5. Seize Every Opportunity to Teach

While you come back from work, talk to your child about what you did. Also, you can take them shopping and show them how to compare prices. You can even give your 3 to 4 year old the job of picking out apples or oranges. Ask for them by name and let your child find them for you. There are ample opportunities to teach your child about the world in everyday life!

Contrary to what you might believe, raising smart kids doesn’t necessarily mean hovering over them. Here are a few things you should know when raising your genius.

1. Dos

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  • Allow them to think. When your child needs to do problem solving, let them think it out all by themselves. If you answer all the questions for them, you’re doing the problem solvingand they will learn nothing from that.
  • Don’t answer questions right away. This may sound harsh, but it isn’t. When your child asks you a question about a subject, let them look up the answer. Teach your child to use resources early on such asthe encyclopedia, search enginesand library tools. Sometimes being smart does not mean knowing the answerbut knowing how to find the answer.
  • Keep them engaged in activities with peers. Working on a team such as debate, art or math in competition encourages kids to learn to work together with others. It can also be a good self-esteem booster.
  • Get creative with your kids. When showing your kids how to do things, be creative and fun! Build things with your own hands and show your kids how to build by their own. Seeing things on paper sometimes doesn’t make as much sense as looking at something three-dimensional.
  • Maintain a connection. At dinner, ask your kids how their day went. Let them talk to you about their feelings and how they are doing in school. Let them know you are there for them if they need anything and maintain a close bond.
  • Let them know what you expect early on. Sit down with your children and set some goalswith them, like asking your little ones “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Take that a step further and discuss plans for college and what you expect.
  • Celebrate success. You may push your child in one direction and they have success in something totally different; just celebrate it no matter which success it may be. Let them know you are proud of them no matter what they excel in.
  • Think outside the box. Teach your children to think in a different angel. This can help them be creative, innovative and progressive which is necessary for success in our society.
  • Problems are never a bad thing. Teach your child to solve problems that come up around him. Have your child list things that they think as issues, and use that as a basis for future creative projects.

2. Don’ts

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  • Don’t put too many routines in their daily life. Don’t push your child or structure too rigidly. When kids are gifted, they need a more relaxed atmosphere based on what they are interested in. They also like to jump from one interest to another at their own will and timing.
  • Avoid labels like “gifted” or “genius.” Labels will only set your child apart from other kids and could set them up for teasing or bullying. They may not ever want to disappoint you, sothey will become over-stressed. Treat them like any other kid.
  • Don’t push popularity. Gifted kids really don’t have an easy time fitting in. This is because they are on a different level than kids of their own age. Gifted kids usually only have one, maybe two friends and that is perfectly fine if they seem happy.
  • Try not to hold them back. From whatever advancement in life they need, don’t hold them back too much. If they are exhausting you and their teachers from boredom in second grade, see about moving them up a grade. Encourage them to move forward at their own pace and be “smart” kids.